Quang Liem tops Aeroflot Open 2010

Nhan Dan – Vietnamese chess master Le Quang Liem won the championship of the 2010 Aeroflot Open on February 18.

Liem topped the tournament and won the prize money of EUR 21,000 after five wins and four draws. With this victory, his Elo rate also rose to 25.8.

Earlier, the Vietnamese master had snatched the bronze at the Moscow Open.

The Aeroflot Open is an international chess event, held annually in Russia. The tournament this year drew the participation of such grand chess masters as Vachier-Lagrave, Bacrot Etienne from France, Kamsky Gata from the USA, Motylev Alexander from Russia and Bu Xiangzhi from China etc.

Source: http://www.nhandan.com.vn

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