CyberChess convener -International Master Lanka Ravi met Nigel Short on 9th September 2007 in Liverpool,UK and interviewed him after the event was over on the last day. Mr. Short speaks about FIDE – Anand issue, Players Chess Associations etc.

Lanka Ravi (LR ): Greetings from Cyberchess! How did you feel about the UK China match?

Nigel Short: China won the match and of course with a large margin.

LR: What is the match system and did you play in this kind of match systems before?

Nigel Short: The UK vs China match was a Scheveningen tournament. The format of the match was a Scheveningen for the first six boards (each player meets all six opponents once); and similar for the women’s boards (each to play both opponents three times).

This is the first time I played in such a tournament and these are rare and unusual events.

LR: In your opinion, what is the good thing about having this match?

Nigel Short: It will be for the promotion of chess and definitely for friendly ties between the countries. This match has generated tremendous publicity and thousands of chess players logged on to the internet to see the match games.

LR: Why only one country participated?

Nigel Short: No no no, this tournament was supposed to be a four nation tournament and the teams invited were China, European Union and India as well.

LR: Really? Then how did it turn out to be that only China was there?

Nigel Short: I came to know that it was impossible to come to an agreement with All India Chess Federation…

Here is the full story.

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