Day off at the tournament
Wednesday, 04 August 2010

On Tuesday, 3rd of August, the participants of 5th Women’s 2010 FIDE Grand Prix in Ulaanbaatar had a rest day.

They have spent it having visited the companies which have supported the tournament.

Participants and organizers of tournament have expressed their gratitude to a management of companies, and those, in turn, have told them about companies, have acquainted players with a production cycle and presented gifts.

Oyu Tolgoi: As a newly established company, we are trying to find our feet in local business with sporting events like this. Just before this tournament I was introduced to some national wrestlers. I will briefly introduce our company. We are developing large copper and gold deposits in Gobi desert. In 2-3 years we will be employing about 5 thousand people. Of course, during harsh winter people will play chess during shifts. So maybe in the next Grand Prix, ladies from Oyu Tolgoy company will participate. Thank you very much for coming here, I did not expect to meet so many famous, fantastic women here, it will be unforgettable experience.

Monnis: Our company was established in 1998. Since then we grew up to become one of the leading entities in Mongolia. We are engaged in international trade, mining, construction, freight forwarding and other business spheres.

We are proud to host and sponsor a major international chess tournament here, in Mongolia. As the representative of Liebherr company, we sponsor various sport events and contribute to social wellbeing. We appreciate that you gave us a time to visit our company. We hope that this tournament will give a big boost to development of chess in our country, and will contribute to advertisement of our country. We wish success to all of you.

MGM: Now you are at the headquarters of “Migma Electronics” company, which is one of the main sponsors of this tournament. This particular event is outstanding in regard of quality, ranking and achievements of the participants. The MGM company has summoned all its support to present this tournament to the worldwide attention and we are so pleased that such famous chess players of the world had gathered here.

Goyo cashmere company: From the beginning, I am very inspired to cooperate and support this intellectual festival being held in our country. I am very glad that the whole chess world is currently fixed its attention on this tournament organized in Mongolia. So on behalf of my company’s collective, let me present this token sign of our gratitude to the participants of this great event an wish them good luck.

G-Mobile: As a provider of Internet services, our subscribers have direct access to the tournament events along with the promotion of chess in our country. And, as the representatives of G-Mobile Corporation, we are proud to sponsor this stage of the prestigious Grand Prix competition.

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