Kirsan Ilyumzhinov sues Anatoly Karpov
Karpov and Kasparov exhausted themselves as the chess players says Ilyumzhinov
Report by Chessdom

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, President of FIDE, has sued Anatoly Karpov for defamation, reports

The lawsuits were filed with Moscow and international courts, Ilyumzhinov said in an interview with Gazeta on Thursday. He did not specify the courts, but cited Karpov’s allegations of corruption in FIDE, for which the 12th World champion has not provided any evidence.

“This is the first time during my 20-year career when I reported to a court. Now I applied to FIDE ethical commission in Italy and filed a claim to a (Moscow’s district) court,” Ilyumzhinov, who is also president of Kalmykia republic in southern Russia, said.

Ilyumzhinov said he had also filed a complaint with FIDE’s ethics commission. “Karpov and Kasparov exhausted themselves as chess players, that is why they try to draw public attention with the inadequate behavior,” Ilyumzhinov said.

Earlier Karpov was criticized for not providing any evidence for corruption by multiple chess politicians including TCF President Ali Nihat Yazici, but such evidence resulted to be not existing.

This is the second lawsuit in chess that starts for this week, after the candidate for the ECU presidency Silvio Danailov presented a case against Chessbase for violating copyright of the World Chess Championship broadcast.

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