Chinese Chess League
rounds 1-3, many top players
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The Chinese league has began in Chengdu on Monday. It features over 30 GMs and 60 titled players. Top seeded is the team of Beijing with ELO average of 2604 (GM Ye Jiangchuan, GM Li Chao, GM Xie Jun, GM Zhao Xue, IM Wang Yu A, GM Pashikian, and Yu Yangyi) followed by Shangdong with ELO 2544 and Shanghai with 2526.

The league features the strongest Chinese players, as well as very interesting international participation. Top players are the Chinese stars Wang Yue, Ni Hua, Bu Xiangzhi, and Wang Hao. They will have as main partners / opposition GM Alexander Motylev, GM Ernesto Inarkiev, GM Alexey Dreev, GM Arman Pashikian, and the Corus C winner GM Wesley So.

On the women boards the fight is not less interesting, and we will see Yifan Hou, Anna Muzychuk, Ruan Lufei, Shen Yang, Vera Nebolsina, and many others.

The Chinese league will be decided by match points. Currently leader is Shanghai with 3,0/3, followed by Shangdong with 2 victories and 1 lost match, and China Mobile Group Chongqing Company Ltd with 1 victory and 2 draw matches.

Among individual players the best results are for GM Xu Jun with 3,0/3 and GM Motylev, GM Peng, GM Zhou Weiqi, Ju Wnjun, IM Anna Muzychuk, WIM Zhang, GM Hou Yifan with 2,5/3.

Here are all matches and the results.

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