“Chimi” is what WFM Batchimeg Tuvshintugs would like to be called. With this performance, she can pick any name she wants. In round 1, she defeated GM Fishbein. In round 2, she lost a tight game against GM Shulman. In round 3, she defeated GM Kreiman. In round 4, she drew GM Gulko. She defeated GM Becerra this round. She now has 3.5 points / 5 against 5 GMs. This is the best performance by any woman so far in this US Championship.

IM Zatonskih is trying to keep pace with “Chimi” by defeating GM Browne while WGM Goletiani drew against GM Dlugy. Young Vanessa West also earned a draw against IM Muhammad. WIM Esther Epstein scored a full point against NM Kleiman. It seems that after the draw against GM Nakamura, Kleiman’s game has gone down the drain. I hope he can bounce back.

There are no other real big upset today.

As for the men’s side, GM Shulman won again, this time with the Black pieces against GM Ivanov. He now has 4.5 points out of 5. This is top score in either section.

On the mild upset side, IM Friedel drew against GM Stripunsky, FM Stein drew GM Goldin, IM Lenderman drew GM Serper, IM Schneider drew GM Goldin, IM Kraai drew GM Ibragimov, IM Fernandez drew GM Benjamin, IM Milman drew GM Fedorowicz, while IM Gonzalez defeated super IM Finegold.Posted by Picasa

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar