Grzegorz Gajewski is a Polish Grandmaster and youth chess championship with an impressive current FIDE of over 2600. The answer to his interview questions were particularly exciting and this game was quite wild as well. I don’t want to give away too much from the game but it really was just beautiful. This is a “MUST SEE”

3 Questions of the interview full interview with (Interview with Grezegorz Gajewski is available here

When did you begin making legitimate progress in your game and how?

Tough to say. It’s easy to say how – hard work. But when? My first big progress was probably when I was eight. When I was twelve I got my elo (about 2140) and as I remember in the next two years it didn’t change a lot. When I was about 14 my skills improved a lot and so on. Most young players make a big progress at some point then for the next 1-2 years they stop, and then another big progress…

Nature or Nurture: Do you think top chess players are born with a natural ability/gift or do they become so talented through hard work and the right environment?

Of course all the top players are more or less talented but there are hundreds, maybe thousands of mid level players who are talented as well. And here comes the hard work. That is what differentiates top players from the rest. The environment is also important, as well as the money you can or cannot invest in training and tournaments. But without hard work it is all for nothing.

Can you recall a specific turning point? (a game, event, working with a chess coach, etc..)

Meeting Boguslaw Boder, whose devotion to chess was really catching – this

was the biggest turning point and everything else was the result of it.

Full Interview of Grezegorz Gajewski available on William’s site. Please check it out.

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