Foto: Bjørnar Pedersen

Welcome to chess in the Arctic!

Tromsø Sjakklubb invites you to one of the strongest Northern-Norwegian Opens ever. Prizes exceeding 10.000 Euros.Main prizes (Euros): 2500, 1600, 1000, 750, 650, 550, 450, 350, 250, 150 There will also be other prize groups.
Tournament: 9 rounds, Swiss
Registration: Saturday, 4th of August between 11 a.m and 3 p.m
Rounds: 1-8 are played with a single round every day between August 4th-11th with rounds starting at 4 p.m. The 9th round is played on Sunday 12th of August starting at 10 a.m
Time schedule: 2hrs/40 + 1 hr/20+ 0.30min to finish the game – a total of 7 hours.
Location: Scandic Tromsø

So far the entries include Antoaneta Stefanova, Subbaraman Vijayalakshmi and her sister Meenakshi from India, Nick de Firmian, Joanna Dworakowska and a bunch of East European GMs (Moiseenko, Brodsky, Burmakin, Mikhalewski, … ) in addition to many strong Norwegian players (Agdestein, Lie among others).

Here is the official website. This information was brought to you by Øyvind Pedersen.

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