After 3 rounds at the 2006 US Championship, the only player with a perfect 3-0 score is GM Alex Onischuk, my teammate in the match USA vs. Russia last year. Alex is one of the pre-tournament favorites along with Nakamura and Kamsky.

There are other two MAJOR stories so far after 3 rounds:

* Nakamura lost to WGM Baginskaite today. He was completely lost against Kleiman yesterday as well. He scored 1/2 point in 3 games against 1 IM, 1 NM and 1 WGM. The average rating of his opponents is nearly 400 points lower than his! Ouch!

* WFM Tuvshintugs scored 2 / 3, beating GM Fishbein and Kreiman! Impressive!

The leaders for the women’s side include Goletiani (defeated Tate), Tuvshingtugs (defeated Kreiman) and Baginskaite (defeated Nakamura). They all have 2 points. Zatonskih (defeated Abrahamyan) is right behind with 1.5 points. Posted by Picasa

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar