The Køge Kyst Skak Alliancen is organizing the Admiral Niels Juel Cup 2013 on 20-27th April at the Asgård Skole, Norsvej 2, 4600 Køge, Denmark. The 10-round Swiss Open will offer opportunities for GM and IM norms.

1. prize DKK 10,000, 2. prize DKK 6,000, 3. prize DKK 4,000, 4. prize DKK 2,000 and 5. prize DKK 2,000.

Two rating prizes of DKK 1,500 and DKK 750 in each rating group. A rating group per 12 to 15 players, which are not GM, IM, WGM or WIM.

Further info – +45 2546 8293This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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