Jesters and dancing gypsies. Lords and ladies. A king and queen and a couple of jousting knights. Sellers of healing herbs. Pitchers of potions for energy, confidence, sleep or love. They were out and about last week as students at Gulf High School embarked upon a trek back in time at the third annual Renaissance Fair. The event on the front lawn of the campus was a fundraiser and a research project for about 75 sophomores enrolled in the International Baccalaureate program, said Claudia Alwood, who teaches Advanced Placement history at the school.

“It’s good. I’ve won more than I’ve lost,” said Christian Keyes, 16, who as chess master, offered fairgoers the opportunity to challenge him in a game for a wager of 50 cents.

At times it seemed that the modern world clashed with the past.


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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar