Special chess trainer from Russia

A family in Izmir has brought in a special chess trainer from Russia for 30 thousand Euros a year.

Russian trainer Nadyrhanov spends three weeks a month giving chess lessons to 18-year-old chess player Emre Can.

Millions of children start taking chess lessons in elementary school and families bring trainers from Russia for a monthly payment of 3,000 Euros.

Chess became an elective class at elementary schools in 2005 and has increasingly become a sports field for the masses. As the number of masters in chess is limited, families have started to search for international trainers, especially from Russia and Azerbaijan. Eighteen-year-old Emre Can’s family has hired Sergey Nadyrhanov as his chess trainer. Emre Can is national chess team player. Emre’s family has only one wish: “seeing their son reach the top in this sport.”

Source: Sabah.com

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