The International Open “Queima das Fitas” is taking part from 24th to 27th April, 2014 in Coimbra, one of the oldest cities in Portugal. The event, organized by Chess Section of the Academic Association of Coimbra, Portuguese Chess Federation,...
Nicholas Pert claims Sunningdale Premier title

The Sunningdale Chess Congress took part from 14th to 21st April, 2014 at Sunningdale Park Hotel, in Sunningdale, England. The event was split into two main events – Sunningdale Easter International and English Seniors Championship. Sunningdale Easter International was...
Capablanca Open Chess Festival in Pretoria

The 2014 Capablanca Open Chess Festival is taking place from 25th April to 4th May, 2014 at Southdowns College Arena, the national capital of South Africa, popularly known as the Jacaranda City. The tournament is organized by the Tshwane...
Kasparov in the middle of a major Australian chess feud

Kasparov looks on as grandmaster’s move exposes an Australian chess feud PAUL BROEKHUYSE From: The Australian April 26, 2014 12:00AM GARRY Kasparov is no stranger to the personal feuds and political intrigues of international chess. But even the former...
Back on the winning track

Round 6 results Mamedyarov 0-1 CarlsenCaruana 1/2 NakamuraRadjabov 1/2 Karjakin B group Durarbayli 1/2 AbasovMamedov 1/2 HuseinovWojtaszek 1/2 BacrotEljanov 0-1 Wang HaoMotylev 1-0 Safarli Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Gashimov Memorial B group LIVE!
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Gashimov Memorial LIVE!
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Chess players’ memory

Do chess players complain about their memory?25.04.2014 News Press Famous Armenian chess player and writer Ashot Nadanian once mentioned that he can easily recall chess games played some 20 years ago, but cannot remember his mobile phone number. We...
Opening tactic

White to move. How should White continue? r1bqkb1r/pppppppp/5n2/3n4/8/P4N2/1PP1PPPP/RNBQKB1R w KQkq – 0 5 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar