Shelby Lyman on Chess: Crushing an Opponent’s EgoBy Shelby Lyman April 6, 2014 Bobby Fischer once said he did not believe in psychology, he preferred instead good moves. What he meant was, he did not believe in psychological ploys...
Anand not done yet

Stop press! Don’t write his chess obit, Viswanathan Anand is backMVL Manikantan, Hindustan Times Viswanathan Anand is back. Humbled in Chennai, written off by most thereafter, Anand has shown that he may be long in the tooth but strong...
7th NY International

The world famous Marshall Chess Club is organizing the 7th NY International on 18-22th June. The event will have three sections: FIDE Norm, U2200 and U1900. FIDE Norm Section is open to all players rated 2200 or above (USCF...
College Chess Final Four Final Round
Live chess broadcast powered by ChessBomb Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Final Four Final Round Matchups

LIVE updates, photos, and much more can be found on twitter: @SusanPolgar #ChessFinalFourBoard 1: GM Zherebukh (Tech) vs. GM Le (Webster)Board 2: GM So (Webster) vs. GM Moradiabadi (Tech)Board 3: IM Gorovets (Tech) vs. GM Meier (Webster)Board 4: GM...
Greek Championship LIVE!
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Quickie lighting chess tactic

White to move. How should White proceed? kr6/r6p/8/5q2/8/p6P/6RK/7B w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Small edge for Webster U heading into the final round

The players ate at Carnegie Deli after the 2nd round. Defending champion Webster University left the door open for the team from Texas Tech University (national champions in 2012 and 2012) with a narrow 2.5-1.5 match victory over University...
Human minds still critical to chess evaluation

Tech Wrecks Havoc, Mind Doesn’t MindBy Vishnu Prasad – CHENNAIPublished: 06th April 2014 02:00 AMLast Updated: 06th April 2014 01:01 AM Lost your job to a computer? Get in line, a number of Grandmasters have the same problem! Much...
Anand retained his sense of humor through tough times

When I play chess, I’m solving problems, having fun: Viswanathan Anand NEW DELHI, April 4, 2014Updated: April 5, 2014 04:19 IST Last November, three defeats over 10 games without victory against Magnus Carlsen robbed Viswanathan Anand of more than...