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College Chess Final Four round 1 report by Frank Niro

Report by Frank Niro, President of Chess Journalists of America View of the playing hall during round 1 at the New York Athletic Club where the 2014 President’s Cup, commonly referred to as the Final Four of College Chess,...
The participants of 2014 College Chess Final Four

#4 University of Illinois — Average Team Rating (USCF) 2260 13 FM Rosen, Eric S 2398 12853959 (2304) (2032562) University of Illinois18 Luo, Xin 2261 15019828 (2070) (8603022) University of Illinois19 NM Auger, Michael W. 2256 12860543 (2128) (2031221)...
Interview with Magnus Carlsen

Magnus Carlsen : « Garry m’a donné des informations sur la psychologie des joueurs » Le | 05.04.2014 à 08h23 • Mis à jour le 05.04.2014 à 09h02 |Par Pierre Barthélémy Dans l’entretien qu’il a accordé au Monde,...
Greek Championship!
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
My coaching philosophy

Many people have asked what is my coaching philosophy when it comes to team events? There are four main issues which I stressed. We may or may not be the best team (depend on the year), but our approach is...
Karpos Open Final Round LIVE!
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Congratulations to FIDE President on his birthday

World Chess Federation congratulates the FIDE President on his birthday! FIDE family wishes Kirsan Ilyumzhinov all the best to continue with the same unfailing energy and commitment to work for the good of chess. On this special day the...
R & P endgame improvement

White to move. Is this a win, draw, or loss for White?3rk3/2p4R/p2pP3/1p2P3/1P6/6K1/8/8 w – – 0 2 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The 2014 College Chess Final Four officially begins

Members of the Webster University chess team Preparing for round 1 vs University of Illinois The drawing of prizes WAS done at the Opening Ceremony. Here is the playing order. The team listed on the left HAS White on...