2nd TMCC Scholastic results: Scott Drier after taking the first round bye dominates the 2nd TMCC Scholastic Chess (tournament of champions) besting 13 other kids with 4.5 pts. out of possible 5 points. Here is our next tournament: 3rd...
Judit interview

Here is an interview with Judit in 3 different languages. Can you introduce you to our French readers?Peux tu te présenter à nos lecteurs français?Bemutatkoznál francia olvasóinknak? I am a mother of two lovely children of 3 and a...
Deeeeep calculations required

This was sent in by A. Weiler. Thanks for the puzzle. Black to move. Is this a loss or draw for Black? 7k/1R6/8/4p1R1/4P3/6r1/5K1P/8 b – – 0 2 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The key to a child’s mind

Sweet honey in the rookChess enthusiast teaches kids the art of the game By: E. Assata WrightReporter staff writer Music has often been called a universal language, but Secaucus resident Shawn Moss may argue that the game of chess...
Kalmykia has new Vice Prime Minister

Valery Bovaev – Vice Prime Minister of the Kalmyk Government Vice President of the Russian Chess Federation, President of the Kalmyk Chess Federation Mr. Valery Bovaev is appointed Vice Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Kalmykia,...
Chess sponsorship for a young Indian talent

Geojit Group to sponsor teenage Grand Master Gopalhttp://www.newstrackindia.com/newsdetails/2331NI WireNew DelhiFri, 8 Feb 2008: The 18 year-old first teenage Grand Master from Kerala, Gopal G N, has finally got the sponsor in the form of Geojit group, a leading retail...
An almost tragedy

Man Accused of Super Bowl ThreatPosted: 16 minutes agoFiled Under: NFL, Super Bowl XLII An angry businessman is accused of plotting to “shed the blood of the innocent” at the big game. Feds say he turned himself in after...
Real game chess tactic (part 2)

This is the same game as the previous puzzle. In this position, it is Black to move. How should Black procced? Source: Chess Today Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Real game chess tactic

This is an actual game between GM Inarkiev(2681) and GM Kazhgaleyev(2594) in the 6th round of the Moscow Open. I saw this position on Chess Today. It is a really interesting game. It is White to move. Is it...
Chess greatest rivalries

Which are the three greatest rivalries of all-time in chess? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar