Which team will win Super Bowl XLVIII on February 2nd? Denver Broncos Seattle Seahawks Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Broncos or Seahawks?

Which team will win Super Bowl XLVIII on February 2nd? Denver Broncos Seattle Seahawks Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Giants win Super Bowl XLVI!!

The NY Giants beat the NE Patriots again to win Super Bowl XLVI! Final score: Giants 21 – 17 Patriots! Go Giants!! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Which team will win Super Bowl XLVI?

Which team will win Super Bowl XLVI? New York Giants New England Patriots Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Which team will win Super Bowl XLVI?

Which team will win Super Bowl XLVI? New York Giants New England Patriots Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Which team will win Super Bowl XLVI?

Which team will win Super Bowl XLVI? New York Giants New England Patriots The New England Patriots defeated the Baltimore Ravens 23-20 this afternoon and the New York Giants defeated the San Francisco 49ers 20-17 in overtime this evening...
Christina Aguilera botched the National Anthem

Is it a big deal to botch the lyrics of the National Anthem? Yes, it is a big deal, especially at the Super Bowl No, it can happen to anyone, including the pros Who is Christina Aguilera? Chess Daily...
GB Packers win Super Bowl XLV

Steelers 25 – Packers 31Congratulations to the Green Bay Packers and their fans! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Make your prediction

Which team will win Super Bowl XLV? Green Bay Packers Pittsburgh Steelers Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar