Final standings (9 rounds) 1-8. GM Gashimov (winner of tie-breaks), GM Arutinian, GM Fedorchuk, GM Kryvoruchko, GM Chernyshov, IM Deviatkin, GM Kotronias, GM L’Ami (7 points) 9-31. GM Moiseenko, GM Vitiugov, GM Kazhgaleev, GM Malakhatko, GM T. L. Petrosian,...
Most underrated players ever?
There have been countless debates about some of the greatest chess players in history. However, we do not often talk about the most underrated players in chess. Who are some of the most underrated players in chess history? Chess...
Sunday chess tactic
White to move. What is the best continuation for White? 1n2r3/pN1q1pk1/6p1/3rp2p/pQ6/3R3P/1PP2PP1/4R1K1 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The team to beat in 2008?
Baseball Fever is here. Spring training has just begun. Which are some of the best MLB teams in 2008? Which team is the early favorite to win the World Series? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
A new blog for Organizers and Directors
A blog for Organizers and Directors, by an Organizer and Director There are a number of blogs out there dedicated to the various facets of chess – analysis, equipment, gossip, news, improving your game, etc. But I cannot find...
Excellent article about chess sponsorship
SECURING SPONSORS FOR CHESS TOURNAMENTS By Peter HumJanuary 2008Published on the MonRoi website In 2007, the organizers of the Canadian Open and Canadian Youth Chess Championships in Ottawa raised more than $90,000 in cash and many invaluable in-kind donations...
Within a hair for Dennis Monokroussos
Needing a win in the last round for an IM norm, it was not meant to be for chess blogger / teacher Dennis Monokroussos. [Event “8th North American FIDE Invitational”][Site “Chicago”][Date “2008.02.23”][Round “9”][White “Monokroussos, Dennis”][Black “Burgess, Jon”][Source “MonRoi”] 1.0-1...
The chess candidate?
Michelle Obama Indeed, according to family friends, Michelle’s father was a volunteer organiser for the city’s Democratic Party, a by-word for machine politics in America, and his loyalty was rewarded with a well-paid engineering job at Chicago’s water plant....
Fidel’s quote
Quote from Fidel Castro: “I strongly believe that the answers to the current problems facing Cuban society, which has, as an average, a twelfth grade of education, almost a million university graduates, and a real possibility for all its...