On March 9th , there will be a chess simul from 2:00 pm – 6:30 pm with Grandmaster Gregory Kaidanov, one of the best chess trainers in America. It will be held at the Sayre School Buttery on 194...
A very important Chess in Education Workshop

TCA Chess in Education workshop, March 8, 2008, 1-5 p.m. (Houston), co-organized by UTD’s Dr. Alexey Root and Luis Salinas. The University of Texas at Brownsville (UTB), Texas Tech University (TTU), and The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD)...
Tips for organizers

A Playing Venueby Sevan Muradian of NA Chess Association So for my first entry I wanted to discuss a playing venue. This is one of the most difficult aspects of organizing to deal with for various reasons. Let’s talk...
2008 US Senior Open

A fantastic event in sunny Florida! April 28-May 3, 2008U.S. Senior Open – Florida Marriott Boca Center, 5150 (not 1550) Town Center Circle, Boca Raton, FL 33486. Type: Open to all USCF members born before April 28, 1958. 5...
Chess President elected President of Armenia

President of the Armenian Chess Federation elected President of Armenia To President-elect Of the Republic of ArmeniaPresident of Chess Federation of Armenia Serzh Sargsian Dear Serzh Azatovich! On behalf of the leadership and citizens of the Republic of Kalmykia,...
Markowski wins strong Pfalz Open

Here are the final standings of the tournament leaders: 1 Markowski, Tomasz GM 2585 POL 7.52-7 Tiviakov, Sergei GM 2649 NED 72-7 Greenfeld, Alon GM 2559 ISR 72-7 Postny, Evgeny GM 2627 ISR 72-7 Milov, Leonid IM 2482 GER...
The largest cash scholarship ever in NC

2008 North Carolina Scholastic ChampionshipsFeb. 22-24, 2008 – Blake Hotel, Charlotte Jonathan McNeill Claims K-12 State Championship Almost 500 players competed at the N.C. State Scholastic Championship, Feb. 22-24, at the Blake Hotel in Charlotte. In the K-12 Section,...
Monday morning chess tactic

White to move. What is the best continuation for White?2r1br2/q6k/2n3p1/3pPpQ1/1p5N/p6N/P5PP/3R1R1K w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
GM Fridman wins German Championship

Final round 9 top results: Chevelevitch (5½) 0–1 Fridman (6½)Bischoff (6) 1/2 Buhmann (5½)Henrichs (5) 1–0 Kunin (6)Kritz (5) 1–0 Hausrath (5)Baramidze (5) 1–0 Gschnitzer (5)Markgraf (5) 1/2 Gustafsson (5) Final top 3 standings: 1. Fridman 7½2.Bischoff 6½3-7. Kritz,...
Social and Mental

Univ. chess team places second in state championship Club meetings ‘social, fun’ JULIA SEVY Issue date: 2/25/08 Section: News Although chess may have the reputation of a game for socially inept old men, the University’s chess team challenges the...