Another picture of FM Michael Langer in Gibraltar. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Child’s play

School treasures chessClub at Providencia Elementary shows students the basics and many intricacies of the classic game. By Rachel Kane Every Wednesday after school for the next six weeks, a group of fourth- and fifth-graders at Providencia Elementary School...
Saturday morning chess tactic

This puzzle was sent in by Michiel. Thanks Michiel! It is Black to move. How should Black proceed? 1rb4Q/p1knQ3/5p2/2p3q1/8/8/P4P2/3R1K2 b – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Bughouse partners

Here is a picture of FM Michael Langer of Austin, Texas (one of the stars in the Frank K. Berry US Championship last year) with his bughouse partner 🙂 This was taken in Gibraltar and was sent from London...
Boris Spassky is the Chief Arbiter of Moscow Open

Some of the top players at the 2008 Moscow Open: 1 Akopian Vladimir GM ARM 27002 Malakhov Vladimir GM RUS 26893 Inarkiev Ernesto GM RUS 26814 Zviaginnsev Vadim GM RUS 26775 Timofeev Artyom GM RUS 26646 Tiviakov Sergei GM...
Chess Trivia

What were Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky doing in this picture? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar

‘H-Bomb’ flattens BuBy Malcolm PeinLast Updated: 12:01am GMT 02/02/2008 There was a dramatic finale to the GibTelecom Masters as the American GM Hikaru Nakamura won a fifth game in a row and then defeated the Chinese GM Bu Xiangzhi...