L: FM Michael Langer and IM Jacek Stopa – R: GM Alejandro Ramirez Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
So long Gibraltar
Another picture of FM Michael Langer in Gibraltar. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Bughouse partners
Here is a picture of FM Michael Langer of Austin, Texas (one of the stars in the Frank K. Berry US Championship last year) with his bughouse partner 🙂 This was taken in Gibraltar and was sent from London...
Congratulations to FM Michael Langer!
FM Michael Langer from Austin, Texas (who is also a resident FM from Stillwater, Oklahoma), just earned an IM norm in the 2007 Frank K. Berry US Championship! He needed a draw with the White pieces against GM Gurevich...
The pride of Austin, Texas
2 Texans from Austin are participating in 2007 Frank K. Berry US Championship: FM Joe Bradford and FM Michael Langer. Both are in contention for IM norms. Joe has been one of the strongest players in Texas for decades....