Mwaka elected new Uganda Chess Federation president By Agatha Mutebi Added 23rd January 2017 04:33 PM President: Emmanuel Mwaka Vice president: Isaac Otim General Secretary: Henry Ategeka Treasure: Isaac Munanira National coach: Joakim Okoth Director Development: Olga Namwanje Director...
The good news and bad news on Election Day – The view from a non-political person
The good news and bad news on Election Day – The view from a non-political person By Paul Truong The good news is Election Day is finally here. No more disgusting commercials with full of lies and innuendos, not...
I voted! Have you?
I voted! Have you? For those of you who are American citizens, make sure to vote! You have a voice to decide on the direction of America in the next four years! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Political analysis through chess
President Barack Obama won the 2008 election by a landslide. He won the Nobel Peace Prize shortly after that. His popularity soared. He raised about a billion dollars for his re-election campaign. So why is he in such a...
Obama or Romney?
Who will win the 2012 US Presidential Election? Barack Obama Mitt Romney Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Obama or Romney?
Who will win the 2012 US Presidential Election? Barack Obama Mitt Romney Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Does your candidate play chess?
Does your candidate play chess? Posted by Lisa Suhay Sure there are all sorts of questions we should be asking our candidates before and after we vote. Today I decided “Do you play chess?” ought to be one of...
Election day – I voted, have you?
It is election day today. I voted. Don’t forget to vote and let your voice be heard. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The Final Saga
McCain Needs Boost in Tonight’s DebateBy BETH FOUHY,AP TOLEDO, Ohio (Oct. 15) – John McCain sought to change the course of a campaign moving decidedly in Barack Obama’s direction Wednesday night in the third and final presidential debate. With...
Can you guess who he supports?
This is a recent picture of GM Onischuk and his wife in Moscow. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar