Some quick and easy tips for help in promoting and marketing chess Lubbock Avalanche-Journal I received a number of questions about marketing and promotion of chess. I have asked my husband Paul Truong, director of marketing and PR for...
Promoting chess is a strategic move

Bravo to the editorial board for putting a spotlight on chess and Chicago’s future role in world competition (Editorial, May 28). Around the world, chess players are recognized as celebrities, much as we recognize our own athletes or movie...
Chess boost by FIDE

Chess boostTHURSDAY, 30 JANUARY 2014 13:59 The Solomon Islands Chess Federation (SICF) received a boost of morale entering the New Year with the current visit of International Chess Federations Chief Executive Officer and of Global Chess, Geoffrey Borg. His...
Can this man revolutionize chess?

Can this man do for chess what Bernie Ecclestone did for Formula 1? By Bill Borrows PUBLISHED:17:00 EST, 10 November 2012UPDATED: 17:00 EST, 10 November 2012 The ancient board game is suddenly being celebrated in art, fashion and film. But can...
Chess agreement between Turkey and Pakistan

Agreement signed for chess promotion Wednesday, October 24, 2012 KARACHI: Turkish Chess Federation (TCF) and Mind Sports Association of Pakistan (MSAP) have signed an agreement for promotion and development of chess in Pakistan. Both countries will be playing an...
The man with a vision for chess

The beautiful game – no it’s not football Lianne Gutcher Oct 23, 2012 Andrew Paulson’s company Agon has won the rights to the World Chess Championship for the next 11 years. Here, he elucidates his plans to make the...
Waitara chessmen Pete Yang and Kevin Tan launch podcast

Waitara chessmen Pete Yang and Kevin Tan launch podcast28 Feb 12 @ 06:00am by Brian Karlovsky THEY are the Roy Slaven and HG Nelson of the chess world and are aiming to win a new generation of fans to...
Sports Marketing Guru to popularize mind sports

Sports Marketing guru leads charge to popularise mind sports hereby Shamir Osman04:47 AM Jun 18, 2011 SINGAPORE – Touted as the founding father of sports marketing, Mr Patrick Nally has also fine-tuned the commercial workings of the International Olympic...
Chess needs proper promotion

Chess needs proper promotion: MirzaThursday, 22 Jul, 2010 ISLAMABAD: Shahzad Mirza, an outstanding chess player, has stressed the need for providing equal promotion opportunities to the mind game, the same way as cricket, hockey and other sports in Pakistan...