Photos from the Tromsø Chess Cafe tonight with a few GMs and many strong players: It is the hip place for chess players to hang out 🙂 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Talent or hard work?

The Q & A WayBruce Question: There are chess masters who are extremely talented and they work really hard. I have heard it said that Capablanca never worked, but I don’t believe it. He must have worked in...
The Dirty Hidden Truth – Additional Evidence Added

The Dirty Hidden Truth By Susan Polgar June 2009 * Just added evidence of a bribery scheme involving the USCF President Bill Goichberg, another Executive Board member, and others. It has been presented to the court. How could...
Additional sponsorship for SPICE has agreed to donate one dozen beautiful triple weighted chess sets to SPICE (and the Susan Polgar Foundation) for the Texas Tech Chess Park, as well as clocks, books, and many other items. On behalf of SPICE and...
Good Knight, Bad Bishop
Good Knight, Bad Bishopby GM Karsten Mü After discussing bishop endings in the last two columns, I decided to highlight the duel of knight vs. bishop in order to show the differences and similarities between these types of endgames....
The Dirty Hidden Truth

The Dirty Hidden Truth By Susan Polgar June 2009 How could a national organization, an organization which claims that it has no money to do many things for the benefit of chess and it members, afford to spend...
Opening Shock Value

Shock ValueGary It is possible to throw your opponent out of his comfort zone in the opening by playing something different and the search is always on for a new spectacular move. Why not come up with an...
Promote your clubs and events on, FREE!

Promote your clubs and events on, FREE! is starting a new column that will help you publicize your clubs, big or small. There is no cost to you. In fact, you can get a $5 gift certificate,...
Game analysis

Yasser Annotates for www.ChessCafe.com and Karpov–Kamsky, FIDE-Wch Elista 1996 Karpov,Anatoly (2770) – Kamsky,Gata (2735)FIDE-Wch Elista (1), June 6, 1996Grünfeld [D98] 1.d4 Nf6 Karpov, as expected, opened with his d-pawn. 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 I expected Kamsky to answer...
Game analysis

Source: Below is a very interesting theoretical battle between two of the world’s top female grandmasters from the recent Women’s Grand Prix in Istanbul, Turkey. Marie just took up this highly popular and extremely sharp line as part...