Svidler (2739) – Nakamura (2710) [B12]Rising Stars vs Experience (5), 24.08.2009 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 Bf5 4.Nd2 e6 5.Nb3 Nd7 6.Nf3 h6 7.Be2 Ne7 8.0–0 g5 9.Ne1 c5 10.Nxc5 Nxc5 11.dxc5 Nc6 12.Bd3 Bxc5 13.Bxf5 exf5 14.Nd3 Bb6...
The Experience Big Statement
After winning the first two matches, the Experience team yielded a tie in the third match. But the Rising Stars’ decisive team victory by a 2 point margin in match #4 tied up the total game points. Even with...
Interview with the legendary Gligoric (part 2)
Below we present the second part of the interview with Svetozar Gligoric, Honorary Guest of the Tigran Petrosian 80th anniversary Grand Prix tournament in Jermuk, Armenia. GM and Chief Organizer Smbat Lputian sat down to have a lengthy and...
On track for 2nd GM norm
In after only 4 round, Ray Robson has faced 2 of the 3 GMs needed for the opportunity to earn a GM norm. He is also in clear lead with 3.5 /4. His victims so far include: GM Izoria,...
Rapid fire chess tactic
White to move. Can you find the best continuation for White in 10-15 seconds?Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Aronian wins FIDE Grand Prix series
Levon Aronian won FIDE Grand Prix series10:52 / 08/24/2009 Armenian Grand master Levon Aronian, 27, won FIDE Grand Prix session preterm. Despite, that a day before Aronian failed to win the FIDE Grand Prix tournament in Djermuk, Armenia. However,...
‘Best Audition Ever’
Click here to see a fantastic live performance by Danyl Johnson. “That was single-handedly the best first audition I have ever heard,” Simon Cowell said. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
I was playing in the most chess-lover country
Vasisli Ivanchuk: “I was playing in the most chess-lover country” As we have already informed the Ukrainian Grand Master Vasily Ivanchuk over passed his competitors and took the first place in Jermuk FIDE “Grand Prix” tournament list due to...
Checkmate in 5
White to move and checkmate in 5.8/BB6/8/8/6p1/6Kb/6p1/7k w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
“Poor in spirits without chess”
“Poor in spirits without chess”Serzh Sargsyan The 5th tournament of “Grand Prix” FIDE chess championship, dedicated to Tigran Petrosyan, ended yesterday. The president of RA Serzh Sargsyan was also present in the closing ceremony. Gevorg Danielyan, the Minister of...