This is another position on Chess Today. It is White to move. How should White proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Practical Chess Tactic #1
I just saw this position on one of the latest issues of Chess Today. It is White to move. How should White proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
ChessCafe monthly column
The 2008 U.S. Championshipby Susan The 2008 Frank K. Berry U.S. and U.S. Women’s Championships were held May 13-21 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They were once again sponsored by Mr. Frank K. Berry of Stillwater, Oklahoma. A number of...
Wednesday morning chess tactic
V. & M. Platov 1909, presented by Andreas White to move. Is it possible for White to win this game? 3K4/p7/5N1k/5Pq1/8/8/3B4/8 w – – 0 5 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Man + machine versus machine
Get ready for a man versus machine match with a twist this week: ICC’s Deep Junior 11 (running on a home-desktop Dell Vostro 200, with Intel core duo E8200 processor, 2.66MHz, 3GB RAM) gets set to face a combined...
Northern California Scholastic Chess
Los Gatos students star at chess championshipsBy Emilie DoolittleLos Gatos Weekly-TimesArticle Launched: 06/03/2008 03:09:16 PM PDT About 20 students from Los Gatos were among 1,000 competitors in the Northern California Scholastic Chess Championships at the San Jose Convention Center,...
Sharpen young and old minds
Haverhill’s new chess club sharpens minds of young and oldLearning all the right movesBy Mike LaBellaStaff Writer HAVERHILL — It can take a lifetime to master the game of chess, experts say, but 82-year-old Geraldine Follansbee said it’s never...
Bishop and Pawn endgame
White to move. How do you assess this position? How should White proceed? This was an actual game between 2 strong masters. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
World Top 30 Live Rankings
This is from the website: A number of players including Hikaru Nakamura, Dominguez, Milov, Gashimov, Wang Yue, Movsesian, and Eljanov broke the 2700 barrier! Congratulations to all! 1 Anand 2798,1 -4,92 Kramnik 2788,0 03 Morozevich 2786,5 +12,54 Ivanchuk...