5 minute to the 2008 NBA draft! Any prediction about the top 10 picks? Will this be the top 10 picks? Derrick Rose 6-3 PG Memphis (#1 pick to the Chicago Bulls)Michael Beasley 6-8 PF Kansas State (#2 pick...
What to expect at the SPNI
2008 Annual Susan Polgar National Invitational for GirlsJuly 27 – August 1 at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas All players will have access to the Rec Center (swimming, tennis, basketball, etc.) at Texas Tech University during the Susan...
A complicated position
Eliskases – Henneberger 1934White to move. How would you assess this position? How should White proceed? Hint: This is a very complicated position. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
An amazing video
Click here to watch and judge for yourself 🙂 Special thanks to Dan for sharing it with us. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Plug your chess clubs
This is the original sign from over 10 years agoThe Polgar Chess Center in Queens, New York has been around for 11 years. It was my childhood dream to own my own chess club and it became a reality...
2008 Sparkassen Chess-Meeting / Dortmund
Grand Masters‘ Tournament in the Civic Theatre – Sparkassen Open A and B in the Town Hall World Class Players Compete for the Dortmund Chess Crown Sparkassen Chess Meeting from 28th June to 6th July From 28th June to...
Ask Vishy
I recently posted this item: https://chessdailynews.com/amd-and-anand/ AMD has appointed Vishawanathan Anand his brand model and is driving large ad campaigns with him. Now the official website and commercials have ben launched. The website is http://www.askvishy.com/ Chess Daily News from...
Long chess history in New Orleans
Young N.O. chess players rise to challengeVegas tourney puts two boys on mapThursday, June 26, 2008By Nina Wolgelenter New Orleans has a long history with the game of chess, dating back to the Civil War, when 9-year-old chess prodigy...
Consultation chess match
St-Albans, London – CREB, Bruxelles [D00]Consultation game http://www.creb.be/, 08.06.2008[Fabrice Wantiez] 1.e4 d5 2.d4 dxe4 3.Nc3 [3.f3 e5] 3…Nf6 4.f3 exf3 5.Nxf3 g6 6.Bc4 Bg7 7.0–0 0–0 8.Bg5 [8.Qe1 est plus joué et plus précis afin d’éviter les problèmes sur...
Tough endgame
Topalov, Veselin – Shirov, Alexei (Linares 1998), presented by Andreas Black to move. Is it possible for Black to win this? How should Black proceed? 8/8/4kpp1/3p1b2/p6P/2B5/6P1/6K1 b – – 0 47 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar