These are 92 of the top young men and young ladies who qualified to represent their states in the most prestigious scholastic event in the United States, the Denker Tournament of HS Champions and the Susan Polgar National Invitational...
Denker tournament of HS Champions
46 participants qualified to represent their states in the 2006 Denker tournament of HS Champions. Congratulations to all! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The SP National Invitational for Girls
46 participants qualified to represent their states in the 3rd annual Susan Polgar National Invitational for Girls. Congratulations to all! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Kramnik and Svidler win Dortmund
In a stunning last round, Kramnik emerged as the winner on tie breaks over Svidler. Just like in the World Championship Match, Leko collapsed against Kramnik in the last game. Leko was leading the event until the last round....
Can the ChessBase talent test defeat Garry Kasparov?
A few days ago, I showed you on my blog a similar study (except the White King was on d8 and not c8). This morning, my wonderful friend Mr. Frederic Friedel (founder of ChessBase) for more than 2 decades...
More excitement from Dortmund
For the second day in a row, we have exciting actions at Dortmund. Black won 2 games today! Aronian with the White pieces lost to SvidlerJobava with the White pieces lost to KramnikAdams drew NaiditschLeko drew Gelfand So after...
Seeing it through
White to move and checkmate in 7 moves. Have fun 🙂 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Pushing chess ahead
L to R: Marty, Ruy, Marcel and me 🙂 I had a long meeting tonight with GM Marcel Sisniega of Mexico (one of the main organizers of the 2007 World Championship in Mexico City), Ruy Mora (ICC Business Development)...