Post about anything you want from the USCF election, Mtel rules, Dortmund, Topalov vs. Kramnik, etc. Or you can ask a question if you wish. I will try to answer as many as I can. Have fun! My next post will be from Chitown or Oak Brook to be exact. Chess Daily News from […]
Another fantastic endgame

White to move and win. It is very long so think carefully. Try not to use computer analysis. Think for yourself. Just like the last endgame puzzle, try to think about what White is trying to accomplish. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
2006 György Marx Memorial

The IV. György Marx Memorial is taking place from July 28 to August 7, 2006 in Paks, Hungary. György Marx is the name of a famous Hungarian physicist. The idea of the event is to give the talented young Hungarian Grandmasters an opportunity to gain experience. 1. GM Harikrishna, Pentala 20 2682 India 4.5 points2-3. […]
Endgame Study –> Reality –> Win!

This is one of those boring endgame positions that one hates to study. However, by knowing this endgame, it brought GM Gelfand a full point against GM Jobava in a 113 move marathon in Dortmund earlier today. White to move and win. Play it out and try to understand White’s goal. No one will remember […]