IM Evgeni Dragomarezkij is the clear winner of the Moscow Open – RSSU Cup Veterans’ Tournament. Following a draw in the last game with GM Yuri Balashov, Dragomarezkij finished atop of the standings with 7,5/9 points. Long-time leader GM Evgeny...
Petition for a US Veteran with PTSD
Stop harassing war vets.Lonnie HodgePark Ridge, IL My PTSD service dog Gander and I have been shooed out of at least 5 different Starbucks in the past year. This is not only humiliating, its illegal. I want Starbucks to...
Special National Chess Day for Veterans
National Chess Day brings new event to Alabama veteransFriday, October 11, 2013 11:09 AM By Pam Huff Saturday is National Chess Day. For the first time in the nation an event on this day will be held just for...
A feel good story
Veteran Leaves Heartwarming Note For Girlfriend Of SoldierThe Huffington Post | By Hayley Hudson It’s totally okay to hate humanity on Mondays. But this little note will make you feel a tiny bit better about the future of mankind. ...
Happy Veterans Day!
Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to everyone who serve, and have served, this country! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Igor Zaitsev wins Moscow Championship
Igor Zaitsev wins Moscow ChampionshipSaturday, December 26 Armenia’s Grand Master Igor Zaitsev won the Veteran Rapid Chess Championship, and at 7.5 points became a champion, a spokesperson for the Armenian Chess Federation said. The championship was held in Russian...
Veterans Day
Veterans Day is an annual American holiday honoring military veterans. It is a federal holidays, and is usually observed on November 11. National Veterans Day Ceremony The Veterans Day National Ceremony is held on November 11th at Arlington National...
Express through Art
Veterans express themselves through art Debbie Pfeiffer Trunnell, Staff Writer Created: 02/19/2009 10:05:47 PM PST It has been almost 40 years since the Vietnam War ended, but Emanuel Stone still has nightmares about the battles he fought long ago....
A soldier helping soldiers
5 Questions: Keith BristowAdvocate for veteransJanuary 29, 2007 By his own description, Keith Bristow is a soldier helping soldiers. For more than 10 years, he has been a full-time volunteer for the Department of Veterans Affairs working as an...