5 Questions: Keith Bristow
Advocate for veterans

January 29, 2007

By his own description, Keith Bristow is a soldier helping soldiers.

For more than 10 years, he has been a full-time volunteer for the Department of Veterans Affairs working as an ambassador with patient administration service at Edward Hines VA Hospital. He assists veterans in crisis, helping them get the benefits and services to which they are entitled.

…2. What was life like traveling with a rock band?

That was a circus. That was crazy. We had police motorcycle escorts in Memphis and one of the policemen allowed me to ride on the motorcycle… I played a lot of chess. Joe liked to play chess. When we were on flights, we had a magnetic chess board with magnetic pieces on it and he was brilliant. He truly was brilliant. … On the airplane Joe Vitale – he was the drummer, he was Ted Nugent’s drummer for a while too…

Click here for the full story.

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