Opening Day: Chicago Blaze launch chess season in Skokie By MIKE ISAACS September 1, 2011 3:46PM If this had been opening day at Wrigley Field or U.S. Cellular Field, the home team would have been credited with a shellacking,...
Will the PokerStars shut down effect US Chess League?
Now that the feds shut down (the major sponsor of US Chess League) and other major online poker sites, how will it effect US Chess League? Three largest online poker sites indicted and shut down by FBIApril 15,...
The Queens Pioneers lead USCL
Team Roster: 1. GM Alexander Stripunsky: 26642. IM Dmitry Schneider: 25153. IM Eli Vovsha: 25044. IM Alex Lenderman: 24635. NM Parker Zhao: 22276. NM Michael Thaler: 21467. Benjamin Katz: 21018. Aleksander Ostrovskiy: 1993 Alternates: 1. NM Peter Bierkens: 21992....
Why endgame matters?
Position after 28…Kd7 This is the position between GM-elect V. Bhat and IM B. Lugo tonight in the US Chess League. White is clearly better and pushing for the win. Here is the continuation: 29.Rf7+ Kd6 30.Rd1 Rae8 31.Bh6...
Special Team Games
These are the US Chess League games between Boston and Queens (played at the Polgar Chess Center) last Wednesday. [White “LarryC-BOS”][Black “Ibragimov-QNS”][Result “1-0”][ICCResult “Black resigns”][WhiteElo “2669”][BlackElo “2673”][Opening “Queen’s Indian: Nimzovich variation (exaggerated fianchetto)”][ECO “E15”][NIC “QI.05”][Time “19:05:53”][TimeControl “5400+30”] 1. d4...