January 2009 TODAY % chg Source Avg.. Retail price/gallon gas in U.S. $1.83 $3.44 84% 1 Crude oil, European Brent (barrel) $43..48 $99..02 127.7% 2 Crude oil, West TX Inter. (barrel) $38..74 $91..38 135.9% 2 Gold: London (per troy...
Will the PokerStars shut down effect US Chess League?

Now that the feds shut down PokerStars.com (the major sponsor of US Chess League) and other major online poker sites, how will it effect US Chess League? Three largest online poker sites indicted and shut down by FBIApril 15,...
UK Government cut ECF Grant

UK Government cut ECF GrantIM Malcolm Pein – Thursday 4th November 2010 There are to be huge cutbacks in spending the the UK. The English Chess Federation is to lose its entire grant, a pathetically small one in the...
Potential victim of cutbacks

Chess scheme could be next victim of cutbacksCelebrated initiative to be reviewed, sparking fears programme will be ditchedBy Calum RossPublished: 10/01/2009 A celebrated scheme which turned youngsters in deprived areas of Aberdeen into national chess champions could become the...