Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Thank you SO MUCH!

I would like to thank ALL of you for your wonderful, heart warming, special wishes for my birthday. I received more than 15,000 messages via facebook, twitter, email, text messages, etc. I spent a wonderful day with my SPICE...
A big thank you to everyone!!

I just came back to Texas today from a special trip to Argentina for a fantastic chess in the schools project with my friends WGM Claudia Amura, GM Gilberto Hernandez, and others. My birthday has only officially started less...
Thank you!

By midnight, the happy birthday wishes count exceeded 6,000! Thank you so much to all of you. I apologize for not able to thank each one of you personally! I had a beautiful time celebrating an early birthday yesterday...
Thank you!

I would like to thank all of you for your nice birthday wishes. Between my blog, email and facebook, I received over 4,000 birthday messages. Therefore, it’s impossible for me to thank each of you personally but I want...
Thank you!

Thank you everyone for your wonderful birthday wishes! I lost count of how many I received. It must have been in the thousands! Thank you! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar