Team Roster and Standings. spfno 2016: U16-18 Boys Code Name Score 1 AMERIC America High School 5.0 Pranav Nagarajan 3.0 Abhishek Handigol 2.0 Team Roster and Standings. spfno 2016: U14 Boys Code Name Score 1 WEIBEL...
RIP Sevan Muradian

Written by Paul Truong I am so sad to inform you that Sevan Muradian, a board member of the Susan Polgar Foundation, and a dear friend, passed away yesterday (February 17, 2016) at his home from a heart attack. He...
Chess in Franklin County: The Journey Begins

Chess in Franklin County: The Journey Begins By Randy Youngblood Source: Franklin Advocate, Meadville, Mississippi, September 24, 2015 “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” When that step is made by the size 14 shoes of...
GM/IM/WGM/WIM norm opportunity: 2015 SPICE Cup ($15,000 guaranteed – 14 GMs, 8 IMs, 2 WGMs, 13 FMs, etc.)

2015 SPICE Cup Open (9 rounds SS) Sponsored by Webster University and the Susan Polgar Foundation St. Louis, Missouri October 17-22, 2015 GM/IM norm opportunity – Minimum rating (FIDE) 2100 Limited to first 50 entries. October 2015 rating will be used. Time...
GM-elect Darwin Yang wins Webster U – SPICE Junior Invitational

Final standings 1 Matthew Larson 6th xxxx 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.5 B 1.5 R 0.5 2.0 pts 2 Joshua Colas 3rd 2.0 xxxx 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 B 5.5 R 3.5 9.0 pts 3 Awonder Liang 4th 2.0...
1st annual Chess for Dialogue at the United Nations

The 1st annual Chess for Dialogue was held earlier today at the United Nations. The event was sponsored by Ukrainian and Hungarian Permanent Mission for the United Nations, and supported by Secretary-General of the United Nations the Honorable...
FIDE Elite Chess For Girls – Top 10 girls from 10 countries!

VIENNA, AUSTRIA, May 20, 2015 – The FIDE Commission for Women’s Chess (WOM) is pleased to announce, the 2ndAnnual WOM Chess for Girls event, to take place June 28 through July 4 in Vienna at Webster University’s campus in...
Please donate to the Susan Polgar Foundation

Susan Polgar Foundation FINAL video from Lisa Suhay on Vimeo. From my 30 plus years of experience, I discovered that chess can help children of all ages do better in school as well as develop many important life skills....
2014 SPICE Cup / Registration list

2014 SPICE Cup Open Sponsored by Webster University and the Susan Polgar Foundation St. Louis, MissouriOctober 21-26, 2014 GM/IM norm opportunity – Minimum rating (FIDE) 2100 Limited to first 50 entries (Free entry to all players FIDE > 2300)...
2014 SPICE Cup with $13,000+ prizes including $5,000 1st prize / 1 spot opened up

2014 SPICE Cup Open Sponsored by Webster University and the Susan Polgar Foundation St. Louis, Missouri October 21-26, 2014 GM/IM norm opportunity – Minimum rating (FIDE) 2100 Limited to first 50 entries (Free entry to all players FIDE >...