Three engines lead the second stage of TCEC Stage 2. Rybka (3076 ELO) is back on top with 9/12, together with Fire (2984 ELO) and last season’s champion Komodo (3131 ELO). In the twelfth round Komodo and Fire drew...
Gull chess engine sole leader, ahead of Houdini, Stockfish and Rybka

Round 3 saw yet another drama of the TCEC computer chess championship. The powerful Stockfish 4 (ELO 3100+) was held to a draw by Exchess 7.15b (ELO 2703). After the draws Critter – Komodo and Rybka – Hiarcs, the...
TCEC – Season 1 Announcement

These days, chess played by computers has reached a new level of precision. Any desktop computer paired with the latest chess software can beat a human Grandmaster relatively easily. The goal of TCEC is to provide the viewers with...
ICGA/Rybka controversy: An interview with David Levy (1)

ICGA/Rybka controversy: An interview with David Levy (1) Introduction In June 2011 it was widely reported in the global media that the International Computer Games Association (ICGA), headed by Dr. David Levy, had found chess programmer Vasik Rajlich in...
Vasik Rajlich speaks up about the Rybka cheating allegation

“Another Conversation with Vasik Rajlich” By Nelson Hernandez (on Rybka chess) Nelson Hernandez interviews Vasik Rajlich regarding the allegation that the (all or part) Rybka chess engine code was stolen the Fruit chess engine source. Chess Daily News from...
Four world championship titles stripped

Computer chess champ stripped of its four titlesBy Claire CourchaneThe Washington Times9:40 p.m., Thursday, June 30, 2011 Yet another world champion has been brought low for suspected use of a banned performance-enhancing substance. Rybka, the chess-playing computer program that...
When The Absurd Triumphs

Hra Stolittia Event in Kiev: When The Absurd Triumphs by GM Mikhail Golubev In the last few days instead of looking at the usual ongoing chess competitions I was mainly collecting information about the Hra Stolittia (“The game...
Amateur player defeats Rybka in match, believe it or not?

Ukrainian sensationally beats world’s smartest chess programme 2011-04-28 19:27:45 KIEV, April 27 (Xinhua) — Ukrainian Andrew Slyusarchuk sensationally won the match against the smartest and the strongest chess computer program in the world “Rybka-4”, the local media reported...
Houdini defeats Rybka 22-18
Live chess broadcast powered by ChessBomb and Chessdom You can replay all 40 games above. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Battle for Supremacy: Houdini vs. Rybka! LIVE!
Live chess broadcast powered by ChessBomb and Chessdom Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar