Carlsen and Nakamura in the proposed list for Mtel Masters 2010Financial crisis might reduce the prize fundReport by The economic crisis might hit the Mtel Masters 2010, reports by Zhivko Ginchev for “It is inevitable,” commented Ginchev, “For us the most important is to preserve the tournament and not to interrupt it. Now […]
Mtel recognized by Bulgarian President

President Georgi Parvanov Awards M-Tel’s CEO Jozef VinatzerFRIDAY, 12 June 2009 Yesterday, M-Tel’s CEO Josef Vinatzer was decorated with Bulgarian president’s honorary badge. Vinatzer received the prize for his company’s contribution to social projects, as well as for its contribution to the development of the Bulgarian culture and sports. “I won’t give out a secret […]
A record at Mtel

Incredible turnaround and a record in Play like TopalovThe young talent Alexander Monev won in the last round with a single point lead and final score of 200 correctly guessed moves (Sofia, 25 May, 2009) Incredible turnaround and setting of a new record marked the end of this year’s edition og the internet game Play […]
The players at Mtel

These are the pictures from the closing ceremony of Mtel. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Wang 1/2 Topalov

GM Wang Yue (2738) – GM Topalov (2812) [D82]23.05.2009Mtel 2009 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Bf4 Bg7 5.e3 c5 6.dxc5 Qa5 7.Rc1 dxc4 8.Bxc4 0–0 9.Nge2 Qxc5 10.Qb3 Nc6 11.Nb5 Qh5 12.Ng3 Qh4 13.Nc7 e5 14.Bg5 Qxg5 15.h4 Qg4 16.Nxa8 Qd7 17.Rd1 Qe7 18.Qa3 Nb4 19.0–0 Bg4 20.f3 Bh6 21.fxg4 Nxg4 22.Rxf7 Rxf7 23.Nf1 […]
Shirov wins Mtel!

In a dream final round matchup, tournament leader Carlsen had to face Shirov, who’s only 1/2 point behind. It’s a must win situation for Shirov. And he did. In the mean time, Topalov could not beat Wang and had to settle for a tie for 2nd with Carlsen. GM Shirov (2745) – GM Carlsen (2770) […]
One game to go for all the marbles

Round 9 results: Topalov, V 1:0 Ivanchuk, VCarlsen, M 1:0 Wang, YDominguez, L 1/2 Shirov, A Standings after 9 rounds: 1. Carlsen 6.02-3. Topalov, Shirov 5.54-5. Wang Yue, Dominguez 4.06. Ivanchuk 2.0 Official website: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Carlsen leads Mtel with one to go

Carlsen once again takes over the sole lead. In the mean time, Ivanchuk’s disastrous performance continues. Here are the games of round 9. Carlsen, Magnus (2770) – Wang, Yue (2738) [D15]5th M-Tel Masters BUL (9.3), 22.05.2009 1.c4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 a6 5.c5 Bf5 6.Nh4 Bg6 7.Bf4 Nbd7 8.Nxg6 hxg6 9.h3 b6 10.cxb6 […]
The Grand Slan Final in Bilbao

The President Georgi Parvanov will award the winner of M-Tel Masters 2009 (the 1st prize is above) The final Grand Slam tournament to be presented today (Sofia, 22 May, 2009) The organizers of the final tournament of the chain of chess tournaments Grand Slam will make a presentation of the last competition for this year. […]
Down to the wire at Mtel

Standings after 8 rounds: 1-2. Carlsen, Shirov 5.03. Topalov 4.54. Wang Yue 4.05. Dominguez 3.56. Ivanchuk 2.0 Matchups for round 9: Topalov, V – Ivanchuk, VDominguez, L – Shirov, ACarlsen, M – Wang, Y Official website: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar