No, it is not the new #1 in chess. Anand is still the King of the Hill. It is the new #1 in $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Mexico’s Carlos Slim and Microsoft’s Bill Gates have been overtaken in the race to be the “World’s Richest Person,” at least for today, according to reports from India’s news media. The […]
What do you think?
Charles Simonyi recently paid $25,000,000 for 13 days in space. The 2007 US Championship has patron entry fees: GM or 2600 USCF+ $3,000 entry feesIM or 2500+ $5,000 efFM or 2400+ $10,000 efLife Master or 2300+ $15,000 ef Dr. Eric Moskow is playing in Gausdal group A which include Magnus Carlsen, Portisch, Dreev and Krasenkow, […]
Can you handle it?
Reversal of Fortune: She Makes More Than HeGuys, you don’t have to feel small if your wife earns a bigger paycheck. Join the club.By DAN KADLEC, MONEY MAGAZINE CONTRIBUTING WRITER Not long ago my wife started making more money than me. There, I said it. Don’t think it was easy. The male ego is strangely […]
Lottery Fever?
Ticket Sales Fly as Lottery Jackpot Sets RecordAPNEW YORK (March 6) – Lottery machines cranked out tickets at a dizzying rate Tuesday as the multistate Mega Millions game drew bettors with a jackpot estimated at a record $355 million. Because of the huge prize and publicity, the 12 participating states agreed to move Tuesday night’s […]