New York City Mayor’s Cup (NY Athletic Club – June 2006)One of the bloggers asked when was the last time I played in a serious chess event? It has to be back in 2006 where I won the Women’s Cup in Dresden, Germany, without losing any game. Another one, also back in June 2006, was […]
Baby News
One of the bloggers just posted that GM Ildar Ibragimov and his wife Anna had a baby boy on the same day as WGM Rusa Goletiani. I did not know that but if it is true then a big congratulations to GM Ibragimov and his wife! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Kamsky, Ibragimov, Stripunsky, Izoria tied for 1st in Foxwoods
There are no final results on the official Foxwoods website yet. However, according to my calculations, GMs Kamsky, Ibragimov, Stripunsky and Izoria tied for first with 7 points in 9 games. Here are some of the games from the final round: [White “Kraai, Jesse 2561”][Black “Izoria, Zviad 2722”][Source “MonRoi”] 1.Nf3 g6 2.e4 Bg7 3.d4 d6 […]
Ibrahimov qualifies for Dos Hermanas
GM Rasul Ibrahimov from Baku, Azerbaijan, has won the 7th Dos Hermanas qualifier. Here is the crosstable: More details will come later. This quick update was brought to you by Duncan Oxley! Thanks Duncan! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The Queens Pioneers
This is a painting from my sister Sofia A new team has been formed for the US Chess League! It is the Queens Pioneers and the home of this team will be at the Polgar Chess Center! The team members are: 1. Ildar Ibragimov2. Alexandr Stripunsky3. Jake Kleiman4. James Critelli5. Teddy Coleman6. Parker Zhao7. Michael […]