Susan Polgar (USA), Uwe Boensch (GER), Efstratios Grivas (GRE), Adrian Mikhalchishin (SLO), Kirsan Ilyumzhinov (RUS-FIDE President), Zurab Azmaiparashvili (GEO), Arshak Petrosian (ARM) FIDE Trainers’ Commission – FIDE Trainer Awards 2008-2009Awarding ceremony took place during the Chess Olympiad The FIDE...
FIDE Trainer Awards
The FIDE Trainers’ Commmission (TRG) is pleased to announce the results of the FIDE Trainer 2008 Awards as approved by the Kallithea Halkidiki FIDE Congress 2009. Botvinnik Medal (Men): Arshak Petrosian (Armenia) Furman Medal (Women): Ye Jiangchuan (China) Euwe...
Evaluation of Educational Computer Programmes
FIDE Trainers Commission Evaluation of Educational Computer Programmes The Council of the FIDE Trainers Commission announces that it will work on the evaluation of educational computer programmes for beginners (1, 2 and 3 years of education). Dead-line for applications...
FIDE Trainers’ Commission
Dear Friends & Colleagues, We have been nominated to serve on the TRG Committee for the Evaluation of Educational Programmes as in the attached document. The link on TRG Website is: Evaluation of Educational Computer Programmes I have...