The Commission for Women’s Chess, in cooperation with the Ecuador Chess Federation, is going to organize a FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar, in Guayaquil, Ecuador, from 9 to 11 June 2014, under the auspices of FIDE. The venue will be the...
FIDE Trainers’ Commission Trainers’ Surveys
The FIDE Trainers’ Commission (TRG) continues with regular publishing of high quality chess training materials (in pdf format in English language) in the form of Trainers’ Surveys, targeted at improving chess understanding. Please see the January 2014 additions: “Fear...
FIDE Trainers’ Commission Trainers’ Surveys
The FIDE Trainers’ Commission (TRG) continues with regular publishing of high quality chess training materials (in pdf format in English language) in the form of Trainers’ Surveys, targeted at improving chess understanding. December 2013 additions (“Sicilian Capricio” and “Beating...
FIDE Trainers’ Commission Trainers’ Surveys
The FIDE Trainers’ Commission (TRG) continues with regular publishing of high quality chess training materials (in pdf format in English language) in the form of Trainers’ Surveys, targeted at improving chess understanding. Please see and for more...
FIDE Trainers’ Commission Trainers’ Surveys
The FIDE Trainers’ Commission (TRG) continues with regular publishing of high quality chess training materials (in pdf format in English language) in the form of Trainers’ Surveys, targeted at improving chess understanding. Please see and for more...
FIDE Trainers’ Commission Trainers’ Surveys
The FIDE Trainers’ Commission (TRG) continues with regular publishing of high quality chess training materials (in pdf format in English language) in the form of Trainers’ Surveys, targeted at improving chess understanding. Please see and for more...
FIDE Trainers Seminar Aug 13 – 15, 2013
Dear USCF Certified Chess Coaches, Through a cooperative effort between the US Chess Federation, FIDE, the FIDE Trainers Commission, and the FIDE Commission for Women’s Chess, the North Shore Chess Center will be hosting a FIDE Trainers Seminar online...
FIDE TRG 100 by FST & IM Jovan Petronic, TRG Councilor. 18 June 2013 The FIDE Trainers’ Commission (TRG) proudly announces completing one hundred FIDE Trainers’ Seminars for FIDE Trainers’ Titles (2004-2013)! Fact-sheet 10: 1. FIDE TRG: TRG...
FIDE Trainers’ Seminar in Port Elizabeth, South Africa
FIDE Trainers’ Seminar in Port Elizabeth, South Africa 1. Objective: To educate and certify Trainers and Chess-Teachers on an international basis. This FIDE Trainers’ Seminar for FIDE Trainer Titles Diploma is approved by FIDE and the FIDE Trainers’ Commission...
Titles awarded at the FIDE Trainers’ Seminar in Athens, Greece
Titles awarded at the FIDE Trainers’ Seminar in Athens, GreeceMonday, 17 January 2011 10:41 A FIDE Trainers’ Seminar was held in Athens (Greece), 10 to 15 January 2011. The aim was to educate and certify Trainers and Chess-Teachers on...