GM Daniel Fridman of Germany, but now in living in New York has just won the 9th Dos Hermanas Qualifier today. There were 392 players and the crosstable is here: Congratulations to GM Fridman and special thanks to...
GM Kamsky qualifies for Dos Hermanas on ICC
GM Gata Kamsky has won the 8th Dos Hermanas qualifying event tonight. There were 337 players and the crosstable is here: GM Roman Dzindzichashvili finished in second place and with 10 points will most likely qualify. This event...
Ibrahimov qualifies for Dos Hermanas
GM Rasul Ibrahimov from Baku, Azerbaijan, has won the 7th Dos Hermanas qualifier. Here is the crosstable: More details will come later. This quick update was brought to you by Duncan Oxley! Thanks Duncan! Chess Daily News from...
Zhang Zhong wins 6th ICC Dos Hermanas Qualifer
GM Zhang Zhong from China won the 6th ICC qualifier amidst some of the strongest competitions yet with 317 player competing. He scored better than Magus Carlsen, Gata Kamsky and Roman Dzindzichashvili. What an incredible line-up! See the crosstable...
IM Savchenko captured the 5th ICC Dos Hermanas Qualifier
IM Boris Savchenko of Moskow has captured the 5th Dos Hermanas Qualifier. There were 494 players taking part in this qualifier. The event went very smoothly. There were no major disputes as he qualifies every year. He is a...
GM Miron Sher won Dos Hermanas qualifying event on ICC
Photo courtesy of website Late breaking news: Fellow New Yorker GM Miron Sher (Brooklyn) has won the 4th Dos Hermanas qualifying tournament on ICC. Even though Miron has not been very active with his OTB chess due to...
Mamedyarov won the 3rd Dos Hermanas Qualifer on ICC
22 year old phenom Shahriyar Mamedyarov of Azerbaijan, the 4th ranked player in the world with a 2754 rating, won the third Dos Hermanas ICC event. He is also a 2-time World Junior Champion! Here is the crosstable:
Shipov and Nakamura won Dos Hermanas Qualifiers on ICC
GM Sergey Shipov of Moscow won the second Dos Hermanas Qualifier tournament on ICC. Duncan Oxley was the TD for this event. GM Hikaru Nakamura won the first Dos Hermanas Qualifier earlier this morning. Due to technical problems in...