Photos from St. Louis Business Journal 2014 Diverse Business Leader Awards: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
2014 Arbiters’ Awards

The FIDE Arbiters’ Commission has the pleasure to announce the 2014 Arbiters’ Award. The requirements for the Arbiters to be awarded were: (a). to have obtained the IA title before 1979 (35 years of service as an IA)(b). to...
Major award and recognition for “Learn Chess in 30 minutes” DVD
Congratulations Chess DVDS! You have won the PTPA Seal of Approval which means your Learn Chess in 30 minutes has earned the recognition of being Parent Tested and Parent Approved! This is a major mainstream award and recognition...
Aronian wins “Person of the Year” award

PanARMENIAN.Net – Armenian grandmaster Levon Aronian has received “Person of the Year” award established by De Facto magazine. The executive director of the magazine, Menua Harutyunyan noted that the chess player always emerges victorious in international tournaments, bringing fame...
Classic Jewelry House Lobortas presented Caissa Cups in Istanbul

Owner of the “Classic Jewelry House Lobortas” Igor Lobortas and CEO George Sheynker have presented FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov the Big Caissa Cup on 8th of September in Polat Hotel, Istanbul. Big Caissa Cup The first nominee of the...
FIDE President was awarded with “The Key to Friendship” order

On September 12 the FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov arrived on a working visit to Kemerovo at the invitation of the Governor of Kemerovo Oblast Mr. Aman Tuleyev to participate in the ceremonial activities devoted to Chess Day. According to...
FIDE establishes Svetozar Gligoric award for fair-play

FIDE establishes Svetozar Gligoric award for fair-play The FIDE General Assembly has accepted the proposal of the Serbian Chess Federation to establish the award for fair-play which would be named after the legendary Grandmaster Svetozar Gligoric, who recently passed...
Caissa Cup

Chairman of the FIDE Women’s Commission Susan Polgar and owner of the “Classical Jewelry House” Igor Lobortas presented the reigning Women’s World Champion Hou Yifan with the Caissa Cup on Sunday at the ceremony in Polat Hotel. FIDE decided...
FIDE Trainer Awards

FIDE Trainers’ Commission FIDE Trainer Awards 2011 The FIDE Trainers’ Commission (TRG) is pleased to announce the fourth FIDE Trainer Awards Results for 2011. The final results were made by the following judges’ panel, consisting of seven members, with...
64 chess movie wins award

Double delight for FiRST Film Fest winners By Gerald GohThe New PaperSunday, Apr 08, 2012 A film about a chess master facing his anxieties before a chess competition won top honours at The New Paper’s FiRST Film Fest (FFF)...