Create your own caption Chess caption, Ivanchuk Can you create a clean and clever caption? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Oh, those beans I ate have come back!
The King’s Indian stinks big time!
“Hey, get that camera out of this bathroom!”
Ivanchuk: “Your captions suck big time! Not even funny!”
Why is chucky always cornored?
Please, I am not responsible for the ‘birhday bomb’ move.
Oh no, not another Portuguese player. i hate those guys.
Oh no, believe me, I like FIDE and FIDE tournaments, really…
Against me, chess is this: opening starts here and it ends when your king is checkmated… but… I let my mother-in-law win every game.
Asked to wear a Paul Truong Chess tie, like many other players of note, GM Ivanchuk had an immediate reaction.
Game of Checkers Vasilly?
I don’t answer such questions, you moron! I am chessplayer,not puppet.
Don’t worry me with this rubbish, can’t you see I am thinking.
These fools , zey say I take drugs. Does it look as though I am taking drugs? This is completely crazy.
Chessorganisators treat players like dirt. Small fees and zey expect us to answer stupid questions. Shut up! I want to be alone……Go away!
( Continued on the next page)
“Damn mosquitoes!”
Sam in Lubbock
Nah, he can’t play that : after 1…Qxb6 2.Nxb6 axb6 3.Bd4+ f6 4.Kd2 Kg8(!) 5.Bxb6 Na1 6.Qg3 e4, I think my R+B+N+3p are better than his Q+B+p in the ending…
Ivanchuk’s reaction when asked when he would take a break from chess.
“Yes, I took lessons from Kasparov after he retired…to build my repertoire of Game Faces!”
I smell Danailov!
On the one hand I’m a king, on the other hand I’m a prince. See? It’s all spelled out behind me. That’s as clear as my chess moves…