Whatta dummy-ette. I knew my ears weren’t lying when I heard Christina Aguilera screw up the “Star Spangled Banner.” Her version of the National Anthem–at least the one she sang at the beginning of tonight’s Super Bowl–doesn’t include the line, “O’er the ramparts we watched.” I thought I spied even some of the NFL players–not known for their Einsteinian qualities–looking at each other over her obvious screw-up. Hey, that’s what happens when someone is more concerned with adding 15 syllables to every word in the song–”American Idol”-style–and uber-obsessed with sounding like a Black singer. Actually knowing the lyrics falls by the wayside. What ever happened to singing the words of a song without screaming and turning each word into a six-second, multi-syllabic moan? Whitney Houston, didn’t have to do all that pretentious stuff. She knew the words and sang it right . . . and beautifully. Compare the two, below. It’s night and day. She may be a recovering crack-whore now, but back in the day (1991–during the first Gulf War), Whitney Houston knew how it was done. Houston’s version was class, and Aguilera’s version was ass.
Christina is just singing in the style that made her who she is. I can respect your opinion because at times she did over do it, but not nearly as bad as you make it out to be. She focused on what she wanted to sound like and I think she stays true to how she interprets music and vocal melody within her own heart. And saying she wants to sound like a Black singer is just a personal projection on your part, as if singing in a particular style only pertained to black singers? lol. That’s like saying Stevie Ray Vaughan was obsessed with sounding like a black guitar playing just because he excelled in the blues. No I don’t think their obsessed with anything other than trying to play/sing the best in the style they prefer most. Race is completely meaningless in this equation. Let the woman do her thing, she’s obviously made a fine living out of singing and I don’t think you can honestly say you would have done better or that she did a terrible job. She did fine and as for missing a little phrase while singing from memory big deal it happens. Imagine how fast her heart was racing, having an entire country watching her on national television, not to mention the entire stadium in silence for her acapella. Talk about butterflys? She did fine and you sound like your using a simple slip up to personally attack her. just appreciate her homage to this beautiful country and keep those nasty insults to yourself. No need to slanderize someone over an internet webpage. Peace
Whatta dummy-ette. I knew my ears weren’t lying when I heard Christina Aguilera screw up the “Star Spangled Banner.” Her version of the National Anthem–at least the one she sang at the beginning of tonight’s Super Bowl–doesn’t include the line, “O’er the ramparts we watched.” I thought I spied even some of the NFL players–not known for their Einsteinian qualities–looking at each other over her obvious screw-up. Hey, that’s what happens when someone is more concerned with adding 15 syllables to every word in the song–”American Idol”-style–and uber-obsessed with sounding like a Black singer. Actually knowing the lyrics falls by the wayside. What ever happened to singing the words of a song without screaming and turning each word into a six-second, multi-syllabic moan? Whitney Houston, didn’t have to do all that pretentious stuff. She knew the words and sang it right . . . and beautifully. Compare the two, below. It’s night and day. She may be a recovering crack-whore now, but back in the day (1991–during the first Gulf War), Whitney Houston knew how it was done. Houston’s version was class, and Aguilera’s version was ass.
Christina is just singing in the style that made her who she is. I can respect your opinion because at times she did over do it, but not nearly as bad as you make it out to be. She focused on what she wanted to sound like and I think she stays true to how she interprets music and vocal melody within her own heart. And saying she wants to sound like a Black singer is just a personal projection on your part, as if singing in a particular style only pertained to black singers? lol. That’s like saying Stevie Ray Vaughan was obsessed with sounding like a black guitar playing just because he excelled in the blues. No I don’t think their obsessed with anything other than trying to play/sing the best in the style they prefer most. Race is completely meaningless in this equation. Let the woman do her thing, she’s obviously made a fine living out of singing and I don’t think you can honestly say you would have done better or that she did a terrible job. She did fine and as for missing a little phrase while singing from memory big deal it happens. Imagine how fast her heart was racing, having an entire country watching her on national television, not to mention the entire stadium in silence for her acapella. Talk about butterflys? She did fine and you sound like your using a simple slip up to personally attack her. just appreciate her homage to this beautiful country and keep those nasty insults to yourself. No need to slanderize someone over an internet webpage. Peace