Webster dominates but UMBC’s Tanguy Ringoir shines at college chess clash
By David R. Sands – The Washington Times – Tuesday, January 10, 2017
It’s as if Alabama’s football team found itself in the college Final Four lining up against Alabama, Alabama and some random fourth entrant.
That’s roughly how the St. Louis powerhouse Webster University fared at last month’s Pan-Am Intercollegiate team championships in New Orleans. Packed with grandmasters on scholarship while many other schools are lucky to have one, Webster so thoroughly dominated the event that its “A” and “B” teams tied for first (the “B”s actually claiming the title on tiebreaks), with the school’s “C” team a half-point back in a tie for third.
(Webster B was ranked #6 behind UTRGV, SLU, TTU & UTD and Webster C has no GM, only 2 IMs and was ranked 11th)
University of Maryland-Baltimore County’s once-dominant team has been swamped by the Webster wave, but still managed a respectable tie for eighth. Since Webster can’t play itself in the Final Four in late March, the school will square off against St. Louis University, Texas Tech and the University of Texas-Dallas.
Very timely post. What it says is true. If not for the juicy scholarships that Webster offers to strong players, it wouldn’t attain such success. Imagine acquiring strong players like Le Quang Liem, Ilya Nyzhnik plus other strong grandmasters on juicy scholarship, and maybe financial offers. Looks like it’s all about money. And now, it looks like the Webster Team A has been outshined by it’s team B just like last year. Unfortunate that other schools doesn’t have the luxury of financial backing that Webster has. Sad though that it all boils down to who can acquire the best talents thru money.