Rank after Round 7 (Open under 12 – top 10) http://chess-results.com/tnr238131.aspx Rk. SNo Name FED Rtg Pts. TB1 TB2 TB3 TB4 TB5 1 1 IM Praggnanandhaa R IND 2442 6,5 0,0 29,0 31,5 4 6,0 2 6 Hong Andrew...
4 remain perfect in Menton after 5 rounds

Rank after Round 5 http://chess-results.com/tnr232175.aspx Rk. SNo Name FED RtgI RtgN Pts. TB1 TB2 TB3 K rtg+/- 1 1 GM Amin Bassem EGY 2655 0 5,0 17,0 3120 15,0 10 6,6 2 5 GM Winants Luc BEL 2547 0...
Erik Blomqvist leads Nordic Championship ahead of Hammer

Ranking crosstable after Round 5 Rk. Name FED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts. TB1 TB3 TB4 1 GM Blomqvist Erik SWE * 1 0 1 1 1 4,0 0,0 4 8,00 2 GM...
Duda continues to lead XXI Magistral Internacional Ciutat de Barcelona 2016

Ranking crosstable after Round 5 Rk. Name Rtg FED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pts. TB1 TB2 TB3 1 GM Duda Jan-Krzysztof 2678 POL * ½ 1 1 ½ 1 4,0 0,0 8,00 3 2 GM...
Bacrot & Karpov dominate Trophée Anatoly Karpov 14e Rencontres Nationales et Internationales d’échecs – Cap d’Agde

Rank after Round 11 Rk. SNo Name FED Rtg Pts. TB1 TB2 TB3 1 2 GM Bacrot Etienne FRA 2692 9,0 40,25 0,0 8 2 1 GM Karpov Anatoly RUS 2628 8,0 41,75 0,0 7 3 4 GM Cornette...
Ray Robson & Sam Sevian win SPICE Cup 2016

Final Standings # Name ID Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Rd 7 Rd 8 Rd 9 Tot Prize 1 GM Ray Robson 12847250 2670 W29 W28 L6 D3 W31 W9 D4...
FIDE President confident he will be granted visa for World Chess Championship

FIDE President confident he will be granted visa for World Chess Championship despite appearing on US sanctions list By Michael Pavitt Wednesday, 26 October 2016 International Chess Federation (FIDE) President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov has expressed his confidence that he will...
Fedoseev and Riazantsev lead Russian Superfinal with 1 to go

Standings after 10 rounds 1. Fedoseev, Vladimir gm RUS 2665 * ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 . ½ ½ 1 6 2. Riazantsev, Alexander gm RUS 2651 ½ * ½ ½ ½ . ½ ½ ½ 1...
Little Known Feminist Icon

Just found an article from 10 years ago 🙂 Susan Polgar: Little Known Feminist Icon By ALICIA COLON | July 7, 2006 The woman I met two years ago at the Congress of Racial Equality’s annual Martin Luther King...