Rank after Round 8 (top 25) Rk. SNo Name sex FED RtgI Pts. Â TB1 Â TB2 Â TB3 Rp n w we w-we K rtg+/- 1 8 GM Bagaturov Giorgi GEO 2393 6,0 0,0 37,5 40,5 2500 8 6 4,80...
First Chess Theme Park Opened in Turkey

Turkey’s first chess theme park opens in Yalova DOGAN NEWS AGENCY YALOVA, Turkey Turkey’s first chess park opened its doors in the western city of Yalova on Saturday with an official ceremony. Named after Nevzat Süer, Turkey’s first international...
Sveshnikov & Bogdanov maintain European Senior Championship lead after 8 Rank after Round 8 (top 20) Rk. SNo Name sex FED RtgI Pts. Â TB1 Â TB2 Â TB3 Rp n w we w-we K rtg+/- 1 1 GM Sveshnikov Evgeny RUS 2509 6,0 0,5 37,5 40,0 2450 8 6 6,28...
Serbian Chess Olympiad Teams Announced

The Serbian Chess Federation has announced the complete lineups for the 42nd FIDE Chess Olympiad in Baku, Azerbaijan. Men’s team: GM Ivan Ivanišević, GM Robert Markuš, GM Nikola Sedlak, GM Aleksandar Inđić, GM Miroslav Marković. Captain is GM Slavoljub...
Ivanchuk dominates in Havana

Round 1 Ivanchuk,V vs Kryvoruchko,Y [1/2-1/2] Almasi,Z vs Dominguez Perez,L [1/2-1/2] Bruzon Batista,L vs Cheparinov,I [1/2-1/2] Round 2 GM Kryvoruchko, Yuriy vs GM Cheparinov, Ivan [1-0] GM Ivanchuk, Vassily vs GM Almasi, Zoltan [1-0] GM Dominguez Perez, Leinier vs...
Madras High Court reaches decision on AICF

Chess federation order stayed June 10, 2016 05:50 IST The Madras High Court on Thursday granted interim stay against the order passed by the All Indian Chess Federation (AICF) banning Neelash Saha, a Kolkata-based player from participating in international...
FIDE Commission for Disabled (DIS) meeting in Tallinn

The FIDE Commission for the Disabled (DIS) held its first meeting for 2016 in Tallinn, Estonia on 2-3rd June. The main topic was the discussion on new regulations of FIDE DIS events and standardization of all DIS events with...
Daily Chess Improvement: Winning Chess Tactic!

Black to move. How should black proceed? Source:
GCT Super Blitz in Paris LIVE!

The first leg of the 2016 Grand Chess Tour is set to take place from 9-12th June at La Maison de la Chimie in Paris, France. Ten Grandmasters will compete in the round robin rapid on 9-10th June and...