Rank after Round 5 (top 20 over 50) Rk. SNo Name sex FED RtgI Pts. TB1 TB2 TB3 Rp n w we w-we K rtg+/- 1 6 IM Kalegin Evgenij RUS 2431 4,5 0,0 12,5 14,5 2650 5...
7-way tie for the lead at World Senior over 65 after 5 Rank after Round 5 (top 15 over 65) Rk. SNo Name sex FED RtgI Pts. TB1 TB2 TB3 Rp n w we w-we K rtg+/- 1 3 GM Vasiukov Evgeni RUS 2403 4,0 0,0 15,0 17,5 2454 5...
In spite of losing on time with a Queen up, Carlsen shares GCT lead with Nakamura after day 1

Rank after Round 5 Rk. SNo Name FED Rtg Pts. TB1 w-we K rtg+/- 1 1 GM Nakamura Hikaru USA 2846 3,5 0,0 0,52 10 5,2 5 GM Carlsen Magnus NOR 2878 3,5 0,0 0,28 10 2,8 3 6...
Kadric wins Bosna Open 2016

Kadric took a clear first place with 7,5/9 points in the field of 132 players from 12 countries. The 46th International Tournament “Bosna 2016″ was held from 28th May to 3rd June. The tournament was sponsored by Federation of Bosnia...
Exploring America

Over the past week, my family and I explored multiple National Parks in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. We saw some of the most beautiful scenery and encountered quite a few unique animals include Grizzly Bears, Black Bears, Bison, Elks,...
Clichy wins French Team Chess Championship 2016 Final standings Pl. Team pts j. d. p. c. 1 Clichy 32 11 37 46 9 2 Bischwiller 30 11 24 41 17 3 Mulhouse Philidor 26 11 6 28 22 4 Bois-Colombes 26 11 20 37 17...
Navara vs Rapport LIVE!

The chess match between the World Junior Champion Richard Rapport and the best Czech chess player David Navara will be the main event of this year’s CEZ CHESS TROPHY 2016, which will be held in Prague from the 3rd...