With the wonderful opening ceremony, the WYCO16 started on Friday. From five continent 38 countries entries – this is a record in the event’s history. The opening ceremony was held in the National Theatre in Győr. First ph. D....
Webster University Chess Training
Webster University intense afternoon Chess Training in preparation for PanAm InterCollegiate Chess Championship, after morning physical training. FIT body, FIT mind! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The Youth Advantage In Chess
Chess Yields to the YoungWorld-chess championships’ rigorous schedule favors younger competitorsBy CHRISTOPHER CHABRISDec. 12, 2014 2:23 p.m. ET The ancient game of chess, long associated with old men sitting on park benches, is increasingly a sport for the young....
Another wonderful story – A must read
Walmart cashier helps customer buy groceriesBy Marty KasperPublished: December 8, 2014, 10:31 pm ROTTERDAM, N.Y. – A cashier at the Rotterdam Walmart used her own money so an elderly man in her line could afford all of his groceries....
Humanity at its best
TARRANT, Alabama – Helen Johnson stared in amazement at the piles of food accumulating in her small Tarrant apartment on Wednesday. “The last time I saw my house this full, I was 12-years-old and staying with my grandmother,” said...
Petition for a US Veteran with PTSD
Stop harassing war vets.Lonnie HodgePark Ridge, IL My PTSD service dog Gander and I have been shooed out of at least 5 different Starbucks in the past year. This is not only humiliating, its illegal. I want Starbucks to...
Kotronias and Markantonaki are 2014 Greek Champions
The 64th Individual Greek Championship and 37th Individual Women Greek Championship were held from 3-11th December 2014 in the luxurious Alkyon Resort Hotel & Spa in Vrahati, Corinth. Both sections were 10-player round-robin tournaments. WFM Haritomeni Markantonaki became the...
London Chess Classic LIVE!
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
London FIDE Open LIVE!
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar